Orders Import Export for WooCommerce with Excel

Import & Export WooCommerce Orders & Subscriptions with Excel – no CSV hassles!

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Import and Export WooCommerce Orders plugin for Order and Subscriptions with Excel! No CSV hassle for your WordPress Store Migration.

HPOS WooCommerce Orders table compatible PHP 8.2 compatible WooCommerce 9.5 compatible WordPress 6.7 compatible

Orders Import Export for WooCommerce with Excel

Do you wish to Migrate your WooCommerce Orders from one website to Another?

Orders Import Export for WooCommerce with Excel lets you manage your Eshop Orders and Subscriptions Easily – no more CSV problems!

You will be able to easily Import & Export WooCommerce Orders and if using WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin, Import & Export Subscriptions with a simple xlsx file.

...What Our Customers Say...

More than 5000 happy customers trust our solutions & we keep doing our best for their & your satisfaction

  • Orders Import Export for WooCommerce with Excel Orders Import Export for WooCommerce with Excel
    5 out of 5
    Plugin is easy to use and does not need technical Excel skills. Support is fast! Thank you

  • Orders Import Export for WooCommerce with Excel Orders Import Export for WooCommerce with Excel
    5 out of 5
    Top support and easy to use with excel even if I am not a Wordpress expert!

  • Orders Import Export for WooCommerce with Excel Orders Import Export for WooCommerce with Excel
    5 out of 5
    We managed to easily transfer our orders from a custom oldschool site to WordPress. Support team helped us also!

Import / Export WooCommerce Orders

Quickly import WooCommerce Orders from an xlsx file including Product and Customer Info. Include your preexisting products either by ID, SKU or Title and see the Orders Imported seamlessly.

Import / Export Subscriptions

Are you using WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin? Orders Import Export for WooCommerce with Excel will handle both import and export of Subscriptions easily. Prerequisite is the existence of Subscription Products.

Easy Drag and Drop Import feature

The Import interface is quite simple: on one side the excel columns are detected and on the other the Orders and Subscription fields are waiting to be mapped. You simply Drag and Drop each excel column to the correct data field.

Automapping Columns for Ease of Use

Using the right Naming in Excel Labels for both Orders Import and Subscriptions Import, the plugin can do autodetection and fasten the process of fields mapping.

Ajax Driven speed

User friendly and fast interface that will do the job or Order Import and Export seamlessly

Sample Excel files

We provide you with example excel files to make your life easier with the import process and the format each file needs to have.

Orders Import Export for WooCommerce with Excel will save your time!

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Import WooCommerce Orders

Using the power of a simple xlsx file you can migrate / import your WooCommerce Orders with no hassle.

Order Import Supported Fields

The fields you can easily import with our Order Import Export plugin are: order date,order pay date,order status,product ids,quantities,first name,last name,company,email,phone,address 1,address 2,city,state,postcode,country,shipping method,shipping amount, payment method,coupon code

Order Data Mapping with Drag & Drop

Data mapping is a piece of cake with Drag and Drop interface or even better, if using the correct excel labels naming – provided in our sample excel file, data will be automapped for you.

Products by SKU, ID, Title

You can add multiple comma separated line items, products that already exist in your eshop . The selection is by ID, sku or Product Title.

Orders Import for WooCommerce with Excel

Export WooCommerce Orders

Using the power of a simple xlsx file you can migrate / import your WooCommerce Orders with no hassle.

Order Export Supported Fields

The fields you can easily export with our Order Import Export plugin are: Order id, Order status, Order date_created, Order date_completed, Order date_paid , product_id , Product name , Product quantity , customer_id , billing_first_name , billing_last_name , billing_email , billing_phone , billing_country , billing_state , billing_city , billing_address1 , billing_address2 , billing_postcode , shipping_first_name , shipping_last_name , shipping_country , shipping_state , shipping_city , shipping_address1 , shipping_address2 , shipping_postcode , subtotal , total_refunded , total , total_tax , total_discount , shipping_total , payment_method_title

WooCommerce Orders Filtering

Filter what Orders to Export by Order Status , Order Create Date

Export WooCommerce Orders to Excel - extend-wp.com

Import/Export WooCommerce Subscriptions

If you using WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin? Orders Import Export for WooCommerce with Excel will handle both import and export of Subscriptions easily

Build first your Subscription Products and Order Import export plugin will be ready to seemlessly import your Subscriptions.

WooCommerce Subscriptions Import

Follow our sample excel file and build your subscriptions . The fields start, start hour, start minute, trial end, trial end hour, trial end minute, next payment, next payment hour, next payment minute, end, end hour, end minute are auto detected from previously create subscriptions products in your WooCommerce store so no need to include those in the excel file.

WooCommerce Subscriptions Export

Filter By WooCommerce Subscriptions status and export to a simple xlsx file to handle with ease.
The fields you can export are: id, parent id, status, date created, date modified, product id, name, quantity, customer id, billing first name, billing last name, billing email, billing phone, billing country, billing state, billing city, billing address1, billing address2, billing postcode, shipping first name, shipping last name, shipping country, shipping state, shipping city, shipping address1, shipping address2, shipping postcode, total, total tax, discount total, discount tax, shipping total, shipping tax, cart tax, payment method title, billing period, billing interval, schedule start, schedule trial end, schedule next payment, schedule end, schedule cancelled

Import Export WooCommerce Subscriptions with Excel

100% No-Risk Money Back Guarantee

If the plugin doesn’t meet your requirements, you can get a refund within 14 days of purchase.

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Single Site

48 €

1 Domain License
6 months (48 hours SLA)
6 months Updates

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Up to 5 Sites

98 €

5 Domains License
6 months (48 hours SLA)
6 months Updates

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Up to 15 Sites

178 €

15 Domains License
6 months (48 hours SLA)
6 months Updates

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100% No-risk Money Back Guarantee!

If the plugin doesn't meet your requirements, you can get a refund within 14 days of purchase.

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version 1.1 29-12-2023

  • compatibility with WooCommerce HPOS ORDER TABLES


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