Woocommerce Advanced Reporting and Statistics

On Sale!

Manage Woocommerce effectively with this comprehensive Advanced Reporting & Statistics Tool with Sales Forecasting, Low Stock Reminder & Various Visual Reports!

  • Orders Details, Customers, Countries, Payment Gateway, Product , Category, Coupon Report
  • Export WooCommerce Orders , Customers in Excel
  • Search & Shortlist Orders, Customers, Products etc
  • Search Orders by Status, Product, Category
  • Filter WooCommerce product sales by country, city, payment method
  • Total Sales grouped by Year  /Month
  • Yearly, Monthly, Custom Date Analysis & Sales Forecasting
  • Custom Order Report builder  – custom fields included
  • Low Stock Reminder
  • Mail Reporting Functionality!
  • define WP role for plugin access
License Renewals: 40% off

, ,


6 months (48 hours SLA)


6 months

Latest Version


WordPress Tested


Max PHP Version


HPOS WooCommerce Orders Tables



A comprehensive Reporting Analytics and Statistical Analysis Tool for Woocommerce Orders, Sales, Products, Countries, WooCommerce Report By Payment Method, Low Stock Reminder , Shipping, Tax, Refunds, Top Products and more!

You get Sales Forecasting,Analysis per Date, Top Products, Low Stock Report and Email Feature capability!

Here’s how the plugin works:

Activate the Plugin Visit Woocommerce / Reporting & Statistics link View All Orders, Customers, Countries, WooCommerce Report By Payment Method Export in excel Search Check Stock Email Report

...What Our Customers Say...

More than 5000 happy customers trust our solutions & we keep doing our best for their & your satisfaction

  • Woocommerce Advanced Reporting and Statistics Woocommerce Advanced Reporting and Statistics
    5 out of 5
    Vey nice and comprehensive for my eshop

  • Woocommerce Advanced Reporting and Statistics Woocommerce Advanced Reporting and Statistics
    5 out of 5
    Managed to get a proper reporting and forecast. I see my numbers with no need to do pivot tables and reports in excel anymore

  • Woocommerce Advanced Reporting and Statistics Woocommerce Advanced Reporting and Statistics
    5 out of 5
    Very good support and polite to answer . They even fixed some special feature i asked for extra fields.

Orders Details Report

Customers Report

Countries Report

WooCommerce Report By Payment Method

Product Report

Category Report


Total Sales grouped by Year

Total Sales grouped by Month

Yearly, Monthly, Custom Date Analysis & Sales Forecasting

Low Stock Reminder

Custom fields Report Builder

Woocommerce Advanced Reporting and Statistics will give in depth insights of your Eshop Sales!

Get it here

Visual Reports – Pie & Bar Charts

Nice Display with Graphs, Barts & Pie Charts for display the reports where applicable.

Next Month’s Forecast

Get a forecast of Sales based on Previous Data. You can get forecast for All Sales, Per Category, Per Product.

Custom Report

You can now go to settings page of the plugin and choose fields – including order custom fields apart from the usual WooCommerce Orders Info Details & build your own report!

Search by Dates

You can Search by Year, Month, more predefined Date Periods, Customly defined specific period from to, by Product & by Category.

Filter WooCommerce product sales by Billing City

You can Search anf filter woocommerce orders by billing city – prerequisite is to activate it in plugin settings.

Filter WooCommerce product sales by country

You can Search anf filter woocommerce orders by billing Country- prerequisite is to activate it in plugin settings.

Filter WooCommerce product sales by payment method

You can Search anf filter woocommerce orders by payment method – prerequisite is to activate it in plugin settings.

Search by Order Status

Now you can search Orders with status different than completed to get a more comprehensive insight of your WooCommerce orders in a given period

Search by Product/Category

You can shortlist and get reports by Product & by Category.

Search by User

You can shortlist and get reports by Customer.

Low Stock Reporting

Visit the Stock Management tab to get a detailed report about product that are low in stock.
In the same tab you will find Low Stock Reminder Report for products low in stock that actually sell!!

Search – Sort Lists

Search within the retrieved results easily with input field.

Email Report

You can define in the plugin’s settings to get email on a Weekly or Monthly basis.
The email includes This Month’s , This Week’s Report & Low Stock Management Report.

Reporting Saving – EXCEL

You can easily export and save reports in xlsx format for further analysis.

Set Role to access the plugin

As requested you can now set the WP role – plugin settings page – that will be able to access the plugin even if ot Administrator or Shop manager.

100% Responsive

The plugin will perfectly display properly in all devices as it is fully responsive.


100% No-risk Money Back Guarantee!

If the plugin doesn't meet your requirements, you can get a refund within 14 days of purchase.

Get it Now


User: demo

Pass: demo

Connect & go to Go to https://demo.extend-wp.com/wp-admin/admin.php?page=webd-woocommerce-reporting-statistics-pro

or click on WooCommerce / Reporting & Statistics

version 4.5 25-06-2024

  • fixed users query

version 4.4 15-05-2024

  • bug fix on average net sales /day when main link clicked
  • workaround on payment methods selection

version 4.3 13-05-2024

  • fix preselected dates filter

version 4.2 10-05-2024

  • rewrote orders code to paginate and query big data (general, months, years, stock tabs )
    • pagination in orders report
    • pagination in low stock products report
  • shipping,tax,discount , gross total ,net total columns on years,months report
  • custom report fields integrated to Orders report  / general tab . Orders report will display whatis selected on orders report
  • number of orders to query setting added - refers to totals on General tab
  • feature added set in settings the default order status
  • css / js fixes

version 4.1 11-04-2024

  • fix orders text file update hook

version 4.0 08-04-2024

  • add custom report builder - you can now choose fields to display in a table - this includes also custom fields apart from the usual WooCommerce Order Info details

version 3.9 30-03-2024

  • code rewritten to fit larger order queries . Requires active wp-cron - stage1

version 3.8 06-03-2024

  • fix from to filter on general report /fix net sales calculation on country report  /add tax , net sales in payment report

version 3.7 05-03-2024

  • fix order status filter on general report / add tax and net sales cols on country report

version 3.6 13-01-2024

  • fix js issue

version 3.5 29-12-2023

  • add filter by city,country, payment method

version 3.4 28-12-2023

  • fix woocommerce HPOS orders table compatibility

version 3.3 14-10-2022

  • bug fixed for date difference on PHP8

version 3.2 17-04-2022

  • transaction id and billing company fields added in orders report

version 3.1 18-03-2022

  • adjustment when to use js in backend  -fix conflict with wp bakery

version 3.0 24-02-2022

  • added version tab & check for updates
  • fixed bug when filtering categories in Per Month report ( was calculating Order total in both reports not product subtotal )
  • fixed bug when filtering categories in Per Year report ( was calculating Order total in both reports not product subtotal )
  • fixed bug when filtering on General tab report
  • fixed bug when not filtering in General  / Categories report . When a product is on more than 1 categories it was not calculating correctly.
  • fixed bug when not filtering in General  / Categories report . When a product is on more than 1 categories , total in table will not be displayed as amount is duplicate in 2 or more categories

version 2.9 19-01-2022

  • added dropdown for Searching Orders with Status other than Completed

version 2.8 03-11-2021

  • bug fix on export to excel of dates for the Orders - General Report

version 2.7 07-07-2021

  • fix css issues

version 2.6 07-05-2021

  • fix css issues

version 2.5 08-12-2020

  • add setting for admin to define WP role capable to access the plugin - even if not Shop Manager
  • debug in Stock Management Tab

version 2.4 07-12-2020

  • fix amounts on product category and product search

version 2.3 01-12-2020

  • query by use in General Tab


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