WordPress Adverts Click Tracker

wordpress adverts click tracker

Categories: wordpress plugins

Create and display classified adverts anywhere on your website with a shortcode, track the click links and check the statistics.

This plugin will create a custom post type called Adverts where you can add: Advert Title,Description, Featured image, URL to where the click will point.

You can display the adverts anywhere in your content using the shortcode [displayAds]

You can define settings for your shortcode via the Plugin Settings page:



Order Display Order – you can show the Adverts in random order

Display of the adverts Grid

Number of adverts to display

On click of any advert you can check the Statistics for each advert in the Plugin’s Statistics Page.


PRO- Define a date when an advert expires – then only not expired adverts will be displayed -you can also set a date in your shortcode overriding the expire default and show the adverts you want depending on that date



PRO- Display Adverts mixed with any other type of content



PRO- Categorize your adverts & display per category



PRO- Set expire date for adverts – display those that haven’t expired



PRO- Set Order of adverts for displaying – applicable for priority



PRO- Get a widget to display your content



PRO- Adverts can be displayed as popup window

Define when to show the popup after page load


PRO- Adverts can be displayed as a slideshow – from the shortcode or the widget



PRO- Define widget animation



PRO- Define for the Widget: title, title wrapper, title alignment, content alignment, colors and more!
