How to Import Variable Product in WooCommerce with 1 Excel Row?

How to Import Variable Product in WooCommerce with 1 Excel Row?

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Import of Variable Product from 1 excel row  feature has been added to Product Import  Product Import and Product import & bulk edit plugins – versions 4.5.


If your Product has multiple Variations but your Variations share the same data ( prices, stock, dimensions etc) but you just need to show the variations in your front end you can now do the process faster.

An example of such a business case is :

A tshirt product sold with many different sizes and colors (attributes), but all data such as prices, dimensions remain the same. However, You will want the user to select size and color from product page before check out so you know what variation is ordered.

The feature added covers exactly this Variable Product WooCommerce case and is a simple as a 2 STEP PROCESS:

  1. Create an excel with one row for each such kind of product with attribute values comma separated in each cell as seen in the Image below


2.After uploading your Excel to Import Screen and mapping the data fields with excel columns, check the checkbox  “Add Variable product from 1 row with attrributes comma separated “

Your product with each multiple variations will be imported on the fly.


IMPORTANT: At a later stage, if export the variations, you could also update and change each variation data if needed!
