Import Export WooCommerce Orders Products Reviews Subscriptions Customers Coupons Excel Migration Pro

Products, Coupons, Reviews, Orders WooCommerce Subscriptions Import Export for WooCommerce – eshop migration with Excel Easily!

  • Bulk Orders Import, Bulk Orders Export for WooCommerce
  • Bulk Import Product , Product Export in Excel for Simple, Variable, Affiliate & Subscription Products
  • Import Products ACF Custom Fields with Excel
  • Import Products YOAST SEO Meta Fields with Excel
  • Import WPML Product Translations with Excel
  • Import Product Reviews, Export Product Reviews with Excel
  • Import WooCommerce Coupons, Export WooCommerce Coupons with Excel
  • Import WooCommerce Customers, Export WooCommerce Customers
  • Bulk Import WooCommerce Subscriptions, Bulk Export WooCommerce Subscriptions
  • Clever Mapping, Automap excel to product fields & avoid repetition!
  • get free version of Store Migration with Excel here
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Aren’t you petrified with manually migrating your old eshop store to WooCommerce ? Or you need a Management Solution for WooCommerce to import/update/export your data? Luckily for you, there is a solution!

Import and Export with Excel Products Reviews Orders Subscriptions Customers Coupons for WooCommerce with WooCommerce Migration Pro lets you manage your Eshop Easily – no more CSV problems!

This Ajax driven plugin is very easy to use. All your products, customers, reviews, coupons and Orders or Subscriptions data  will be implemented on the spot, without any delay or inaccuracy. Import, update, export anything right away.

...What Our Customers Say...

More than 5000 happy customers trust our solutions & we keep doing our best for their & your satisfaction

  • Import Export WooCommerce Orders Products Reviews Subscriptions Customers Coupons Excel Migration Pro Import Export WooCommerce Orders Products Reviews Subscriptions Customers Coupons Excel Migration Pro
    5 out of 5
    Renewed our eshop and transfer all the data with no issues. I would recommend . The support team was quite helpful in many questions we had and everything was properly covered

  • Import Export WooCommerce Orders Products Reviews Subscriptions Customers Coupons Excel Migration Pro Import Export WooCommerce Orders Products Reviews Subscriptions Customers Coupons Excel Migration Pro
    5 out of 5
    Top Support team! super easy to use even if you go to wordpress from scratch!

  • Import Export WooCommerce Orders Products Reviews Subscriptions Customers Coupons Excel Migration Pro Import Export WooCommerce Orders Products Reviews Subscriptions Customers Coupons Excel Migration Pro
    5 out of 5
    The plugin helped me transferring my site and renew! I still use it changing product prices !



Orders Import , Import Simple, Variable, Affiliate, Subscription Products, Reviews, Coupons, Customers, – Subscriptions

A complete migration solution if you need to transfer all data that you may have in excel to fill your WooCommerce new Store.


Orders Export, Export Simple, Variable, Affiliate, Subscription Products, Reviews, Coupons, Customers, Subscriptions in Excel for WooCommerce

If you want to keep records of the data you have imported, there is no reason to worry. You can easily export Simple and Variable Products with all Supported Fields, Product Reviews, Coupons, Customers, Orders, Subscriptions . Backup has never been easier & you also get the appropriate Format of Excel for later Updating Existing Products easily!


Data auto/manual mapping from Excel Columns!

What could be easier than drag and drop of data? Rather than figuring out how to import the info on Excel columns, drag and drop what you want to upload. As simple as that! If however, you need to save time automap of excel columns with label same as the elements field will make process super fast!

The form is submitted through AJAX, so there is no page reloading.


Handle Unlimited WooCommerce Products, Reviews, Coupons, Customers, Orders Subscriptions with Ease!

Our script runs on the background with Ajax technology and is all well optimized to run forever! No more Server or PHP timeouts. You can therefore import and update as many products,orders,subscriptions , coupons,reviews you want with no issues!

Import Export Store Migration for WooCommerce will save you Time!

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Import WooCommerce Products/ Export WooCommerce Products

There is great flexibility, in terms of the supported fields of WooCommerce Products Reviews Orders Subscriptions Customers Coupons WooCommerce Migration Pro. Besides the Title, Content & Excerpt, you can also import Status, Author ID, Slug, Product Categories and Tags, Custom Taxonomies like brands, SKU and Weight, Regular and Discounted prices, Stock available, Dimensions (width, length, height) , Downloadable, Virtual, Featured Image, Product Gallery, Upsell IDS, Crossell IDS, Purchase Note, Variation Description, Product Attributes, shipping class, tax class and status.

ACF Custom Fields for Products Import Export

We now provide support for Import Export Advanced Custom Fields and other plugin’s post meta fields for your WooCommerce Products.
The only prerequisite – you already published a product with fields from ACF or other Similar plugin, so the entry of this field exists in the database.

acf custom fields in product import with excel

Import Update Yoast SEO Meta Data for Products with Excel

If you are using Yoast Seo plugin , you can now easily Import Yoast SEO META, Export Yoast SEO META, import/update/export Yoast Seo Title, Yoast Seo Description , Yoast Seo Focus Keyword for your WooCommerce Products as long as the plugin is installed & active

yoast seo plugin import title description with excel

WPML Product Translations Import

Is your Eshop Multilingual? Now you can import Product Translations easily with the power of Excel. You just need to define the Initial WooCommerce Product Title and the correct language code for the WooCommerce Product translation.

import wpml translation with woocommerce product excel importer

WooCommerce Product Import with Images

Superb flexibility here also! You can import the product images locally or choose to import them from any URL. Last but not least, you are free to refer to the image name from your Excel sheet. Either way, being able to import product images to accompany the descriptions is a huge relief.

Product Import WooCommerce Categories

In a similar pattern, you are able to import multiple product categories and subcategories. This allows you to complete your work a lot quicker, without missing out on important stuff such as e-shop categories.

Update WooCommerce Products by SKU

You can now update by SKU, ID, or TITLE – updating by SKU is a new valuable feature, many times requested by business owners

WooCommerce Product Import Image Gallery

Do you want to create an image gallery for each product? Now you can do that! You can upload unlimited product images and identify each URL, copy and paste it to individual Excel cells for your convenience. Alternatively, multiple URLs may be separated using a comma.

Export products for WooCommerce

Easily Export WooCommerce Products along with WooComerce customer fields. Moreover, images and product gallery image urls are supported as well – choose what fields to display.

Import Product Reviews with Excel

You can easily import WooCommerce Product Reviews with excel – the only prerequisite is to import the products first!.

Export Product Reviews

Easily Export WooCommerce Product Reviews and choose what fields to display.

Import Export Store Migration for WooCommerce imports your Products in no Time!

Get it here

Orders Import , Orders Export

Now you can easily do Order Import and Order Export for WooCommerce with Excel .There is great flexibility, in terms of the supported fields of Orders for WooCommerce.
Fields that can be both imported are: order date,order pay date, order status, product ids, quantities, first name, last name, company, email, phone, address 1, address 2, city, state, postcode, country, shipping method, shipping amount, payment method, coupon code.
Fields that can be exported are: status, date created, date completed, date paid, product id, name, quantity, customer id, billing first name, billing last name, billing email, billing phone, billing country, billing state, billing city, billing address1, billing address2, billing postcode, shipping first name, shipping last name, shipping country, shipping state, shipping city, shipping address1, shipping address2, shipping postcode, subtotal , total refunded, total, total tax, total discount, shipping total, payment method title

Import Orders for WooCommerce in Excel

Easily WooCommerce Order and just drag&drop or automap with a click of a button!.

Export Orders for WooCommerce in Excel

Easily WooCommerce Order – choose what fields to display.

Export Filter

Filter WooCommerce Orders by Creation Date or search by keyword, status that you want to export, choose what fields to Show and with the press of a button get your WordPress Orders list in excel

Import Export Store Migration for WooCommerce imports your Orders in no Time!

Get it here

Import Customers, Export Customers

Import/Update WooCommerce Customers with Excel

You can easily import WooCommerce Customers along with WooComerce extra meta fields. Moreover, custom fields are supported as well.

Notify Imported User via Email

While importing Customers via excel file, in the data mapping screen you can choose if you want to notify via email newly imported users.

Export WooCommerce Customers in Excel

Easily Export WooCommerce Customers along with WooComerce extra meta fields. Moreover, custom fields are supported as well – choose what fields to display.

Export Filter

Filter users by Creation Date that you want to export, choose what fields to Show and with the press of a button get your WordPress Users list in excel

Import Export Store Migration for WooCommerce imports your Customers in no Time!

Get it here

Import WooCommerce Coupons, Export Coupons

Now you can easily Import and Export WooCommerce Coupons with Excel . There is great flexibility, in terms of the supported fields of Coupons for WooCommerce. Fields that can be both exported and imported are: coupon code, coupon amount, coupon description, status, author, discount type, individual use, product ids, exclude product ids, usage limit, expiry date, apply before tax, free shipping

Import WooCommerce Coupons in Excel

Easily WooCommerce Coupons and just drag&drop or automap with a click of a button!.

Export WooCommerce Coupons in Excel

Easily WooCommerce Coupons – choose what fields to display.

Export Filter

Filter coupons by Creation Date or search by keyword that you want to export, choose what fields to Show and with the press of a button get your WordPress coupons list in excel

Import Export Store Migration for WooCommerce imports your Product Coupons easy!

Get it here

Import / Export WooCommerce Subscriptions

There is great flexibility if you are selling Subscriptions using the popular WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin, in terms of the supported fields of Subscriptions for WooCommerce.
If you are using and have installed and active WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin you can now easily Import and Export WooCommerce Subscriptions with the power of excel.

Import WooCommerce Subscriptions in Excel

Easily WooCommerce Subscription and just drag&drop or automap with a click of a button!.

Export WooCommerce Subscriptions in Excel

Easily WooCommerce Order – choose what fields to display.

Export Filter

Filter WooCommerce Subscriptions by Status that you want to export, choose what fields to Show and with the press of a button get your WordPress Subscriptions list in excel


100% No-risk Money Back Guarantee!

If the plugin doesn't meet your requirements, you can get a refund within 14 days of purchase.

Get it Now

Try FREE VERSION HERE - Wordpress Repository

Version 2.0 - 28-11-2024

  • phpspreadsheet update 3.4.0
  • PHP required 8.1

Version 1.9 - 29-12-2023

  • hpos WooCommerce order table compatibility

Version 1.8 - 31-03-2023

  • payment_method added on subscriptions export plus alternative export method

Version 1.7 - 21-12-22

  • bug fix on update crossell and upsell products

Version 1.6 - 22-08-22

  • php 8.0.6 compatibility

Version 1.5 - 15-03-22

  • Excel library compatibility  - Check and fix error

Version 1.4- 10-03-22

  • UPDATE phpSpreadsheet for PHP 8.0.6

Version 1.3 - 04-03-22

  • Fix product & variables import index based on meta - SKU in backend - update WooCommerce table wc_product_meta_lookup

Version 1.2 08-01-2022

  • import/export Yoast SEO meta for products

Version 1.1 12-10-2021

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