Virtual Try On Showroom for WordPress Products

Categories: wordpress plugins
A try before you buy WordPress Plugin for your customers to check your products virtually! Increase your Sales Now!
You may expose your wordpress woocommerce products pictures to users so they can test the products virtually.
How? With a try before you buy feature that Product Virtual Showroom gives you!
Imagine you run a furniture business, several products charis , tables, etc.
The user can upload a picture of its space and the pick any of your products and drag and drop it
and see if it fits to their needs!
This may drive your sales up!
View it on WordPress
- Upload/Select Pictures from Gallery and get a Virtual Showroom for your Customers to Test your products!
- Use the shortcode ‘MyWooCommerceShowroom’ in any page or widget you like.
- Your Customers will be able to test your products by uploading an image of their space.
- Product Images are resizable and Movable around the User’s background Photo
- Your customer will get a better User Experience and it will drive your Conversions and Sales!
Try before you Buy Premium Version GET IT HERE
- No need to MANUALLY add Pictures to Show.
- You can Choose Content Type to show eg. Woocommerce products thus, thye will be pulled automatically
- Choose Category of the Content Type eg product category for products, or brand (custom taxonomy)
- Choose Terms
- Choose Number Of Products
- It links the product pictures, displays actual links for the product pages
- Add to cart functionality for each product
- In the showroom the customer may display multiple images on top of each bachground
- Allow the User to take Screenshot of the Showroom Area